Just a few days ago we announced Lokad’s integration with Shopify. Today, it’s the turn of another vastly popular content management system for e-commerce to become natively supported by Lokad as the native integration of Magento is now live in beta at Lokad.

This integration relies on Magento’s REST API which has been supported since the version 1.7 which was released back in April 2012. The authentication relies on OAuth. The set-up requires a bit of configuration on the admin panel within Magento to grant access to a third-party app like Lokad. However, thanks to this set-up, you will have very fine-grained control as to which data Lokad can read or write (hint: we only need read-only access).

This integration is still in beta as we haven’t yet properly tested our integration with the many versions of Magento that have been released during the last 3 years. Don’t hesitate to give it a try though, and Lokad is here to help you get started in case you have any technical difficulties.