18 months ago, LokadTV had reached 1000 subscribers. Since that time, our audience has now tripled reaching 3000 subscribers. Furthermore, in terms of watch time, we have actually made a 6x progression, partly explained by the longer format (~90min) of our supply chain lectures.

Lokadtv reaches 3000 subscribers

Our guest speakers include some of the most notable minds of the trade such as Rob Hyndman, Spyros Makridakis, Markus Leopoldseder and Knut Alicke to name but a few.

For this supply chain channel, I remain committed to discussions where the signal dominates over the noise. Lokad, the software vendor, has a fairly modest presence on the channel. I intend to keep it that way.

Supply chain experts, executives, innovators, professors, gurus, aficionados, … are all welcome1 to apply for an episode on the channel. The sole requirement is to bring something of genuine interest to the supply chain community. Even our competitors are welcome, granted they have something that isn’t a sales pitch2 to discuss.

Make sure you subscribe to keep up to date with the latest episodes!

Our Top 5 videos so far. The SCM lectures took the lead!

Rank Video Watch time
1 The Foundations of Supply Chain - Lecture 1.1 648 hours
2 [Service Level vs. Fill Rate - Ep 28](/tv/2018/11/14/service-level-vs-fill-rate/) 518 hours
3 21st century trends in supply chain - Lecture 1.5 460 hours
4 Data Science For Supply Chain Forecast - ep 30 436 hours
5 ABC analysis does not work - Ep 20 423 hours

  1. To apply for an episode of LokadTV, drop me an email with a supply chain topic and the general lines of discussion that you would like to see covered during the interview. ↩︎

  2. Sales pitches are boring and buzzword drivel makes them worse. ↩︎